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Subs Payments for 2022/23

Subs Payments for 2022/23

Admin Admin12 Jul 2022 - 13:57
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An update regarding your payments for the new season.

We've had several questions about what will happen regarding subs for next season so we just wanted to answer some of them publicly.

When do payments stop?
Quick answer, they don't. If you already have your payments set up, our intention is to roll them over into the new season without you needing to lift a finger.

I've not starting paying yet?
If you've recently joined us, you'll need to set up your payments in August. We'll publish full details on exactly how to do this in around a months time. Please do not set up anything until then.

Will there be a signing on fee?
Yes, everyone will need to pay their yearly £20 signing on fee. This fee will become available to pay in August and we expect all members to have paid their signing on fee by the end of September when the season re-starts. Members who fail to pay their signing on fee will not be permitted to play.

I have a direct debit set up through my bank, but not on the new online payments system...
Not to worry, in August, cancel your direct debit, head onto the Shop section of this website and follow all the steps for signing up as if you were doing it for the first time. Again, we'll have full details on exactly what to do in around a months time.

Any other questions? No worries, email us via or send us a message on Facebook and we'll attempt to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks very much.

Further reading